Greater quality of sleep means a greater quality of life.


Sleep Consultations

Obtaining healthy sleep is important for both physical and mental health. It can also improve productivity and overall quality of life. Everyone, from children to older adults, can benefit from practicing good sleep habits.

Sleep Better Austin

Sleep Better Austin

“I can’t believe how much better I sleep and how much better my husband sleeps! I used to average 4 hours a night and now 6.5 hours. I wake up refreshed. I love these mouth devices. So much better than those c pap machines. You can take vacations with ease. Only regret is that my insurance would not cover it! But I find it worth the money ! No ugly mask and freedom to spend the night if you want to travel!”

Certified Vivos Provider, Dr Max Kerr

Certified Vivos Provider

Using patented technology, the Vivos System works to promote the proper growth of the upper and lower jaws. The Vivos® System treatment can significantly reduce nighttime. apnea events without the need for lifetime therapeutic intervention.

In the United States, it's estimated that 30 percent of adults and 66 percent of adolescents are regularly sleep-deprived. This isn't just a minor inconvenience: staying awake can cause serious bodily harm. Claudia Aguirre shows what happens to your body and brain when you skip sleep.